I started my journey without the goal of losing any weight. Without a thought of ever losing over 40lbs. Mighty big New Years Resolution to keep that I never made to myself, and I accomplished that goal within 6 months.
Starting out, I was a feather over 240lbs and almost 44 in the waist. Before I changed to a 44, I remember starting out by turning partially a vegetarian. I say partially because started eating more rice, vegetable soup, chicken, and ramen noodles (without the salty brown stuff). Beyond that, I ate everything I wanted to and then some.
I think what sped up my weight loss was when I started working at Pizza Hut back in February. Specifically when I started getting more and more energy. I’m all go at work, running around doing everything I can to pick up what’s left by already busy coworkers.
I remember back when I first started, several of my coworkers said that I needed to slow down because they couldn’t keep up with me. Fortunately, I didn’t. Every time I heard it, it just made me work harder and faster.
The more I work, the more weight it seems I lose. I actually weighed 198lbs the other day and I should have taken a picture of the scale.
I seem to be a good weight for myself, energy for days, and mindfully, quicker than before. Now, only if I could find someone to burn some of this energy with would be perfect closing to 2019, maybe sooner.